John Catalinotto

2022, el año en que se despertó la clase obrera en los USA

1 de enero de 2023 Escrito para La Pluma y Tlaxcala. “Edición especial Balance 2022.” Traducido por Fausto Giudice; Editado…

January 11, 2023

2022: Year of the working class in the USA

This article was published Jan. 1, 2023, on the sites of La Pluma and Tlaxcala. The working class in the…

January 5, 2023

German warmakers target antiwar organizer Heinrich Bücker

Antiwar organizer Heinrich Bücker, who operates the Co-op Anti-War Cafe in Berlin, Germany, faces charges stemming from his speech at…

December 22, 2022

Perú, Argentina, México: lessons of coups and ‘lawfare’ in Latin America

Dec. 12, 2022 — Coup in Perú Dec. 7. “Lawfare” in Argentina Dec. 6. Confrontation in Mexico Nov. 27. In…

December 13, 2022

Workers’ struggles open path to combat U.S. war drive in Ukraine

To the joy of the military-industrial complex, both parties in the U.S. Congress plan to lock in up to $50…

October 26, 2022

Ukraine: Wage a class war against imperialist war

The latest U.S.-NATO-Kiev aggressions in the Ukraine war theater — bombing the bridge to Crimea and the Nord Stream 1…

October 18, 2022

Movements in NATO countries mobilize against war

With an avalanche of anti-Russian propaganda in NATO-member and other European Union countries — and in the U.S. — the…

September 30, 2022

New York City march backs unions at Amazon, Starbucks

In the first of a series of solidarity actions with workers’ organizing drives this September, hundreds of workers and supporters…

September 6, 2022

Tens of thousands in Prague say no war, sanctions

Some 70,000 people, according to police — and 120,000 per organizers’ estimate — marched in the Czech capital, Prague, on…

September 6, 2022

WW commentary: A Marxist view of the search at Mar-a-Lago

Aug. 21 — The most recent conflict among U.S. ruling institutions displays the depth of the crises wracking U.S. imperialism.…

August 23, 2022