Janisse Miles

Janisse Miles

A case for disruptionA case for disruption

A case for disruption

In the United States, the First Amendment is best known for granting the right to freedom of speech, but it…

December 14, 2024
Anti-democratic Supreme Court rules Trump is above the lawAnti-democratic Supreme Court rules Trump is above the law

Anti-democratic Supreme Court rules Trump is above the law

In the spring of 2024, former President Donald Trump broke records by becoming the first convicted felon in U.S. presidential…

July 8, 2024
SCOTUS punishes protesters for protestingSCOTUS punishes protesters for protesting

SCOTUS punishes protesters for protesting

DeRay Mckesson organized a Black Lives Matter demonstration in July 2016, following the murder of Alton Sterling at the hands…

April 23, 2024
Transgender fear and the belittlement of women’s sportsTransgender fear and the belittlement of women’s sports

Transgender fear and the belittlement of women’s sports

In the latest efforts to eliminate the LGBTQ2S+ community, trans people have become the shiny new scapegoat, now that lesbian,…

July 31, 2023