Heather Cottin


17 years after war — Yugoslavia again protesting NATO

On March 24, 1999, the U.S. led its European NATO allies in a 78-day bombing campaign targeting Serbia in order…

March 22, 2016

Ukraine photo exhibit: Suffering and resistance in the Donbass

Huntington, N.Y. -- “Ukraine: Behind the Red Line,” a photographic display of the war in Ukraine, documents the devastation of…

August 31, 2014

Common Core and the educational-industrial complex

The war on public education, part 2 In 2009, the Obama administration launched Common Core, which was a devastating attack…

April 17, 2014

The war on public education

Today’s capitalist public school curriculum called “Common Core,” coupled with impossible-to-pass examinations, is facing growing opposition all over the United…

April 12, 2014

‘Pathways’ program to gut City University of New York

New York — A cabal of bourgeois higher education policy wonks, media moguls and bankers have devised a scheme that…

May 23, 2013

Horrific rape sparks mass protests in India

An outraged mass movement has brought hundreds of thousands, mainly women, into the streets of India to protest rape and…

January 2, 2013

‘Dreamer’ activists detail abuse of immigrants in private prisons

Members of the National Immigrant Youth Alliance purposefully allowed themselves to be arrested and incarcerated in late July. The activists…

August 15, 2012

New York mobilizes for RNC & DNC protests

New York — Representatives from the New York metropolitan region met on Aug. 1 to forge plans to demonstrate at the…

August 13, 2012