Greg Butterfield

Ghost Brigade: ‘Our enemies are those who incite war and oppress workers’

This statement of ideological principles was issued by the Political Commission of the Ghost Brigade in the Lugansk People’s Republic,…

July 2, 2015

Anti-fascists show solidarity with Charleston, S.C.

On June 30, an international group of anti-fascists held a flashmob in the Donetsk People's Republic against the Confederate flag…

June 30, 2015

U.S. support for Ukraine fascists exposed

Representative John Conyers of Michigan, a veteran of the Civil Rights Movement and a longtime member of the Congressional Black…

June 21, 2015

Lugansk communist: ‘We fight first and foremost for peace’

Workers World interviewed Ekaterina Popova, a leader of the Communist Party, Lugansk Regional Committee in the Lugansk People's Republic. Popova…

June 17, 2015

New York protest: ‘Stop U.S. proxy wars!’

Outside the New York studios of CNN June 13, hundreds of people had the opportunity to hear the truth about…

June 16, 2015

¡Alto a la guerra en Ucrania!

Washington apoya los bombardeos en la frontera rusa 8 de junio - El gobierno de extrema derecha ucraniano, respaldado por…

June 16, 2015

End war in Ukraine!

Washington backs bombing on Russian border June 8 -- Ukraine’s far-right government, backed by Washington, launched a new military offensive…

June 9, 2015

Donbass protests demand justice for victims of U.S.-Ukraine war

With sorrow and rage, people in the Donbass region have ripped aside the veil of U.S. diplomatic maneuvering to reveal…

June 3, 2015

Donbass militia leader describes ‘our attempt to build a more just society’

Workers World spoke with Alexey Markov (military callsign “Good”), political commissar of the Volunteer Communist Detachment (RCD) of the Ghost…

June 1, 2015

A tribute to ‘Ghost’ Commander Mozgovoi

When I learned that Donbass militia leader Alexei Mozgovoi had been assassinated, I immediately thought of Joe Hill’s famous last…

May 31, 2015