Greg Butterfield

Interview with Borotba’s Victor Shapinov

On Feb. 22-23, 2014, a violent coup overthrew Ukraine’s elected government. It brought to power the right-wing “Maidan” movement, with…

February 27, 2018

Ukraine and Donbass: Four years of solidarity and struggle

Based on a presentation given at a Workers World Party class in New York City on Feb. 20, 2018. Four…

February 22, 2018

Filipino groups protest repression, demand Duterte regime free Rafael Baylosis

Filipino organizations and their allies rallied outside the Philippines Consulate in New York City on Feb. 5 to demand that…

February 8, 2018

New York protest says ‘Puerto Rico is not for sale!’

Puerto Ricans and supporters held an early-morning militant protest Feb. 1 at the Alexander Hamilton U.S. Custom House in lower…

February 6, 2018

New York protest says, ‘Puerto Rico is not for sale!’

More than 60 Puerto Ricans and supporters held an early morning protest Feb. 1 at the Alexander Hamilton U.S. Custom…

February 1, 2018

Victor Anpilov, communist who resisted counterrevolution in USSR

Red-and-gold flags of Soviet socialism flew high in Moscow on Jan. 20 as hundreds of people gathered at Troyekurovskoye Cemetery’s…

January 22, 2018

Protesters say, ‘No pardon for Fujimori’s crimes’

January 3 — Braving frigid temperatures, members of New York City’s Peruvian community and supporters held a lunchtime picket outside…

January 5, 2018

Peru: Tens of thousands protest release of right-wing dictator Fujimori

On Dec. 24, President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski (PPK) shocked Peruvians and the world by pardoning former right-wing dictator Alberto Fujimori.…

January 2, 2018

Police attack anti-capitalist march in Moscow

Communist and other leftist youth in Moscow had planned to hold their annual “Anticapitalism-2017” march on Sept. 23, highlighting the…

October 8, 2017

‘Almagro no! Hands off Venezuela!’

People in solidarity with Bolivarian Venezuela held a lunchtime picket at the Council of the Americas in New York City…

May 26, 2017