Genevieve Lechat

Genevieve Lechat

Permanent residency for TPS holders won’t come from the courtsPermanent residency for TPS holders won’t come from the courts

Permanent residency for TPS holders won’t come from the courts

Lechat is active with Boston FIRE, Harvard TPS Coalition and AFSCME Local 3650. Coordinated, coast-to-coast press conferences were staged by…

September 22, 2020
Trump’s xenophobic attack on international studentsTrump’s xenophobic attack on international students

Trump’s xenophobic attack on international students

July 13 - Unions representing graduate student workers, many international, organized simultaneous July 13 rallies from coast to coast in…

July 14, 2020
Harvard Act on a Dream protests newspaper’s call to ICEHarvard Act on a Dream protests newspaper’s call to ICE

Harvard Act on a Dream protests newspaper’s call to ICE

Nov. 15 -- Harvard College Act on a Dream (AOD) launched the #CrimsonListen campaign today with a petition, boycott, teach-in…

November 22, 2019
Hotel workers unite in national strikeHotel workers unite in national strike

Hotel workers unite in national strike

Following the successful September strike of UNITE HERE hotel workers in Chicago, workers in ten cities with unionized hotel locations…

October 11, 2018