Gene Clancy

EE.UU., mayor vendedor de armas en el mundo

El complejo militar-industrial de los Estados Unidos triplicó sus ventas de armas el año pasado cuando vendió $66,3 mil millones…

September 19, 2012

U.S. merchants of death top world’s arms sales

The United States military-industrial complex tripled its arms sales last year as it sold $66.3 billion in weapons overseas in…

September 12, 2012

U.S. & Israel exonerate murderers, torturers

Nine years after the crushing to death of Rachel Aliene Corrie by an Israeli bulldozer, a judge in Haifa has…

September 10, 2012

No light at end of economic tunnel

Numerous politicians and economists, from all across the political spectrum, have decried the “slow rate of recovery” of the U.S.…

August 18, 2012

LIBOR: How big banks conspired to cheat the people

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney went to London to attend the opening ceremonies of the Olympic Games. But that wasn’t…

August 1, 2012

U.S. prepares anti-Syria war psychology

The U.S. and its allies are escalating the war fever against Syria. Not only do they claim to have “discovered”…

July 19, 2012

Heat waves, global warming & capitalist politics

Gov. Mitch Daniels of Indiana has not had much to say about the current deadly heat wave that has swept…

July 18, 2012