Gene Clancy

Another Wall Street agent named for Treasury head

When President Barack Obama nominated Jack Lew to be his new secretary of the Treasury, the corporate press seemed most…

January 15, 2013

Chilean officers charged in 1973 murder of Victor Jara

On the morning of Sept. 12, 1973, Victor Jara, the internationally acclaimed folk singer/writer, theater director, activist and musician, was…

January 8, 2013

Hurricane Sandy and capitalism

Like a giant magnifying glass, a natural disaster reveals in startling detail the dimensions of the social disaster that lie…

December 6, 2012

Europe rocked by workers’ resistance

Millions of people struck Nov. 14, and hundreds of thousands more poured into the streets in an unprecedented, coordinated general…

November 25, 2012

Europa sacudida por la resistencia de los/as trabajadores/as

Millones de personas se fueron a la huelga el 14 de noviembre y cientos de miles más se lanzaron a…

November 20, 2012

General strikes sweep Europe

The people of Europe are angry, very angry — and they’re doing something about it. On Nov. 14, a European…

November 14, 2012

‘NO’ to austerity

The story is the same across Europe. Governments are imposing devastating austerity measures in the service of the big banks…

October 24, 2012

Baltimore community outraged as lying killer cops are exposed

An outraged community has called for the jailing of three Baltimore police officers who brutally killed Anthony Anderson Sr. in…

October 11, 2012

The real criminals behind Pakistan’s factory fires

The deadly fire of 1911 — which killed 146 workers, mostly immigrant women and girls — and the ensuing publicity,…

September 27, 2012

Words blow away Pentagon smokescreen

War Without Victory, by Sara Flounders. World View Forum, 2012 (176 pages, index, bibliography), $15.95. There are times in history…

September 24, 2012