Gene Clancy

Poor People’s March to revive Martin Luther King’s revolutionary heritage

Forty-five years ago, the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. stunned the nation when he called for a poor people’s…

April 1, 2013

U.S. general ‘predicts’ problems for Cuba, Venezuela

The head of the U.S. Southern Command, Gen. John Kelly, who oversees U.S. forces in Latin America, is afraid that…

March 26, 2013

Palestinos/as protestan tortura y asesinato en cárceles israelíes

Tres mil prisioneros palestinos realizaron una huelga de hambre de un día el 24 de febrero para protestar contra la…

March 20, 2013

Palestinians protest torture and murder in Israeli prisons

Three thousand Palestinian prisoners carried out a one-day hunger strike on Feb. 24 to protest the torture and murder of…

March 10, 2013

100 millones en la India se unen a la huelga general

La clase trabajadora y oprimida de la India demostró su fuerza y determinación los días 20 y 21 de febrero…

March 6, 2013

Palestinians protest torture and murder in Israeli prisons

Three thousand Palestinian prisoners carried out a one-day hunger strike on Feb. 24 to protest the torture and murder of…

March 5, 2013

100 million join general strike in India

The working and oppressed classes of India showed their strength and determination on Feb. 20-21 with a general strike that…

February 25, 2013

CIA confronted for drone attacks

John Brennan found himself in an uncomfortable and unusual situation on Feb. 7 when protesters loudly confronted him, intent on…

February 15, 2013

Austerity can’t solve crises of capitalism

Millions of workers across the United States received a rude and unpleasant jolt this January when they discovered that their…

February 8, 2013

Community protests as Baltimore killer cops go free

Outraged members of Baltimore's African-American community and their supporters protested on Jan. 26 against the announcement by state's attorney for…

January 28, 2013