Gene Clancy

The killing of Osama bin Laden: U.S. lies exposed

On May 2, 2011, a team of U.S. Navy SEALs, acting under the direction of the CIA, carried out a…

May 21, 2015

Rochester, N.Y., transit workers rally against union busting, racist bus cuts

Rochester, N.Y. -- More than 300 members and supporters of Local 282 of the Amalgamated Transit Workers militantly marched and…

May 11, 2015

Basic facts about Greece

The austerity program imposed on Greece in 2010 by the European Commission, the European Central Bank and the International Monetary…

February 4, 2015

Egypt’s military regime set to free Mubarak

In 2011, a heroic mass revolution deposed U.S.-supported Egyptian dictator Gen. Hosni Mubarak. This uprising was an inspiration to poor…

December 8, 2014

Syria: U.S. imperialism and diplomacy

The much ballyhooed Geneva II peace talks, which were supposed to bring about peace in Syria, ended on Jan. 31…

February 8, 2014

World slams U.S. spying

Under increasing pressure and scrutiny from civil rights groups, public polls — and even their own imperialist allies — the…

January 30, 2014

U.S., EU back pro-imperialist coup attempt in Ukraine

Dec. 15 — With strong, almost universal support from the corporate media, the United States government along with the European…

December 17, 2013

Black youth arrested by racist cops in Rochester, N.Y.

Police officers arrested three Black teens as they were standing outside a store in downtown Rochester, N.Y., on Nov. 27.…

December 11, 2013

Refusal to extradite terrorist to Venezuela exposes Washington’s hypocrisy

The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela has once again issued a call for the extradition of Luis Posada Carriles, an internationally…

July 10, 2013

Secret documents reveal massive U.S. spying

The top echelons of the Washington establishment have been stunned by the release of documents which show that the U.S.…

June 18, 2013