Gene Clancy

Protesters demand children be reunited

More than 200 protesters gathered at Washington Square Park in blistering heat in Rochester, N.Y., on June 30 to protest…

July 12, 2018

Rally hits Trump’s racism

Rochester, N.Y. — Nearly 1,000 people rallied in a historic Black church here on Feb. 17 under the call for…

February 21, 2018

Rochester, N.Y., anti-war groups say no to U.S. threats and sanctions against DPRK

Rochester, N.Y. — Local anti-war organizations held a press conference here on Aug. 22 to denounce the the U.S. war…

September 11, 2017

Hands off Syria!

Rochester, N.Y. — Amidst swirling snow and freezing temperatures, demonstrators gathered at the Liberty Pole in downtown Rochester on March…

March 26, 2017

Protest demands freedom for farmworker

Rochester, N.Y. — On March 9, nearly 200 people braved the aftermath of a violent windstorm to demand freedom and…

March 16, 2017

Retrial set for killer cop in Charleston, S.C.

In Charleston, S.C., on April 4, 2015, Michael Slager, a white cop, killed Walter Scott, an African-American man, by shooting…

January 4, 2017

Dylann Roof and the U.S. injustice system

On Dec. 15, a federal jury convicted white supremacist Dylann Roof of the heinous massacre of nine Black parishioners of…

December 21, 2016

Oligarch to head (mis)education department

Trump’s naming Betsy DeVos to be secretary of education has been touted by some so-called analysts as proof that the…

December 4, 2016

Eyewitness Syria: ‘U.S., Saudi Arabia systematically destroy’

Rochester, N.Y. Anti-war activists and their supporters packed the Shaw Room of the Downtown United Presbyterian Church on Oct. 4…

October 16, 2016

Rochester, N.Y., Latino/as protest in support of Black Lives Matter

Rochester, N.Y. -- On Aug. 4, a Latina/o group stunned the Rochester Police Department with a militant demonstration in front…

August 8, 2016