Workers World staff

Mumia speaks on Mona, Pam and Monica: Harriet’s granddaughters

Transcribed from the March 22 taped message from Mumia Abu-Jamal “from inside Prison Nation,” recorded by Noel Hanrahan of…

March 27, 2017

Lynne Stewart: ¡Presente!

With deep sorrow we report that the courageous people’s attorney, Lynne Stewart, died on March 7. She spent more than…

March 9, 2017

Borotba call for support for Kushnarev of Odessa

On May 2, 2014, at least 48 anti-fascist protesters were murdered by right-wing Ukrainian nationalists at the House of Trade…

March 2, 2017

Protest in Indonesia hits U.S. attack on immigrants

The following edited excerpt is from a Feb. 6 press release by the Indonesian Front of People’s Struggle (Front Perjuangan…

February 21, 2017

Interview with Ian Ó Dálaigh: ‘Ireland remains partitioned and the workers exploited’

The following interview with Ian Ó Dálaigh of Ireland was conducted by Zach Gevelinger. Ó Dálaigh is the Galway-area representative…

February 2, 2017

Fight Trump and fight NATO

The president-elect’s Jan. 15 press statements directed at Europe just five days before taking office have again opened the contentious…

January 22, 2017

Buffalo, N.Y.: Ousting a school board racist bigot

Dozens of people marched to protest outside the home of local millionaire developer and Buffalo school board member Carl Paladino…

January 16, 2017

Chilean women march for rights

By Lucha Rodriguez and Janet Miller Santiago, Chile Thousands of women and their supporters took to the streets in Valparaiso…

December 4, 2016


The death of Fidel Castro Ruz on Nov. 25 shook the world. The great revolutionary leader not only guided, but…

December 1, 2016

Mi visita con Fidel

Mucho se ha dicho y escrito sobre las contribuciones del Comandante Fidel a las luchas de liberación en América Latina,…

November 30, 2016