Workers World staff

Mumia Abu Jamal is hospitalized with no visitation or contact

The following is a March 30 press release from the Philadelphia International Action Center, which works with MOVE, the Campaign to…

March 30, 2015

Police violence against Martese Johnson sparks campus protests

Martese Johnson, a 20-year-old African American, has been added to the already too-long list of victims of brutal, racial profiling…

March 24, 2015

Four years of Syrian resistance to imperialist takeover

By Sara Flounders and Lamont Lilly U.S. efforts to overturn the government of Syria have now extended into a fifth…

March 17, 2015

Rally assails police killings in California

Over 50 family members of Black and Latino youth killed by Long Beach and Anaheim police departments and their supporters…

March 8, 2015

Stop cops from killing people with disabilities

A case before the U.S. Supreme Court seeking police exemption from the Americans with Disabilities Act has critical importance for…

March 6, 2015

Labor, community vs. Wisconsin anti-union bill

March 2 — As of this writing, the battle is raging in Wisconsin to defeat the misnamed “right to work”…

March 4, 2015

Actions planned for International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day, March 8, became an official working-class holiday 105 years ago. Revolutionary women were inspired by a march…

March 3, 2015

Final Resolution of Foundation of Senegal Left Forces

This is the final resolution of the meeting that brought together various left forces in Senegal, a country of 14…

March 3, 2015

Stop U.S. arms to Ukraine

The International Action Center held a protest Feb. 17 before CNN headquarters near Columbus Circle in New York City to…

February 18, 2015

Pasco, Wash., protesters demand justice for farm worker

The community of Pasco, Wash., is outraged.  Hundreds of residents of this largely Latino/a community have taken to the streets…

February 16, 2015