Workers World staff

Interview with the GDR’s Margot Honecker — ‘The past was brought back’

Concerning the counterrevolution in 1989 in the German Democratic Republic (GDR), the return of capitalist disorder after its demise, holding…

November 16, 2015

B&H warehouse workers vote 200-88 to join USW union

The following article combines Nov. 4 news releases from the Laundry Workers Center and the United Steelworkers with reports from…

November 5, 2015

As long as police war exists, Black Lives Matter struggle will not go away

The ongoing racist war against Black and Brown people, especially youth, continues to take center stage across the U.S. Even…

November 3, 2015

Haiti election 2015: Fight for voting rights, sovereignty

Elections in Haiti for a new president and Parliament are set for Oct. 25 — after a violence-plagued first-round vote…

October 25, 2015

Islamophobes chased off in Dearborn, Mich.

On Oct. 10, a small group of Islamophobes showed up at the Henry Ford Centennial Library in Dearborn, Mich., armed…

October 18, 2015

Help build a Workers World!

 If you’re sick, sick, sick of endless wars, bombings and drones, and oppose the U.S. invasion of Iraq and…

October 14, 2015

Mass killings: Ignoring the obvious

Many psychologists, politicians, reporters and educators are attempting to explain why the number of people who perish in mass killings…

October 6, 2015

Deception at Volkswagen

When the news broke Sept. 18 that Volkswagen was cheating on its diesel emission controls, the economic reaction was fairly…

September 28, 2015

People’s ‘walk-in’ defends public education in Milwaukee

Educators, staff members, students and community members “walked-in” at 105 Milwaukee Public Schools on Sept. 18. This action was organized…

September 27, 2015

Haitian elections under U.S. control

Haitian President Michelle Martelly liked running the country without a parliament. He could do whatever tickled his fancy. But when…

September 25, 2015