Workers World staff

Oakland, Calif., City Council says: ‘End Cuba embargo’

On May 27, the International Committee for Peace, Justice and Dignity announced that Oakland, Calif., is the latest U.S. city…

June 2, 2016

Solitary confinement is ‘no touch’ torture and must be abolished

Army Pvt. Chelsea Manning, the heroic WikiLeaks whistleblower and transgender activist currently jailed in the U.S. Penitentiary at Leavenworth, Kan.,…

May 30, 2016

On the picket line

Aerospace machinists strike against two-tier system Some 400 aerospace workers at Triumph Composite Systems in Spokane, Wash., walked off the…

May 19, 2016

Elections and social change

The current presidential election campaign has certainly differed from any other within memory. First of all, the great energy and…

May 18, 2016

Obama and the Cuban economy: Understanding what wasn’t said

This is the second part of an article by Agustín Lage Dávila, director of the Center of Molecular Immunology in…

April 22, 2016

Protesters expose Clintons’ racism

Two protesters disrupted former President Bill Clinton while he spoke at a Hillary Clinton campaign event in North Philadelphia on…

April 12, 2016

April 18-22: Days of action to demand end to U.S. blockade of Cuba

Grassroots advocates for ending the economic, commercial and financial blockade of Cuba -- which still chokes off trade with the…

April 11, 2016

Louise Michel and the Paris Commune of 1871

Paris, March 18, 1871. The National Guard, the workers’ militia that was defending Paris from the besieging Prussian Army, rang…

March 17, 2016

National rallies to demand ‘Free Aafia Siddiqui’

The following edited International Action Center press statement was released March 1. March 2016 will mark 13 years that Dr.…

March 10, 2016

What We Stand for. What We Fight For.

We want an end to the war on Black lives and ALL people of African descent worldwide. Reparations NOW! We…

March 2, 2016