Gary Wilson

Venezuela launches the Petro

The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela opened the pre-sale of the petro on Feb. 20. The value of each petro is…

March 19, 2018

U.S. sanctions, cryptocurrency and blockchain

A recent front-page headline of the New York Times read, "To Evade Sting of U.S. Sanctions Nations Ponder Digital Currency."…

January 8, 2018

Net Neutrality to be given away to cable monopolies

Not every move by the Trump administration is done with a Twitter shoutout. Quietly on Nov. 21, right before a…

December 4, 2017

Capitalism, in brief

A short primer on capitalism: 1. The current crisis is a crisis of capitalism. It is not a crisis of…

June 3, 2016

Apple y FBI – corporación más rica del mundo contra federales

El FBI tiene un iPhone usado por Syed Rizwan Farook, uno de los acusados de disparar en el ataque en…

March 8, 2016

Apple & FBI – World’s richest corporation vs. feds

The FBI has an iPhone used by Syed Rizwan Farook, an accused shooter in the San Bernardino, Calif., attack. A…

March 2, 2016