
Se confirma la masacre de Rafah: Israel rechaza la orden de la CIJ de detener el genocidio

El mortífero ataque aéreo israelí del 26 de mayo contra palestinos que vivían en tiendas de campaña en Rafah causó…

June 3, 2024

Rafah massacre confirms: Israel refuses ICJ order to halt genocide

Israel’s murderous May 26 airstrike targeting Palestinians living in tents in Rafah killed nearly 50 people, with many being burnt…

May 29, 2024

La desaparición de un régimen moribundo

“La guerra en Gaza no tiene rumbo y la estamos perdiendo claramente. Nos vemos obligados a volver a luchar en…

May 27, 2024

The demise of a dying regime

“The war in Gaza is aimless, and we are clearly losing it. We are forced to return to fighting in…

May 22, 2024

Solidarity with Iran

Workers World extends its revolutionary condolences and heartfelt solidarity to the people of Iran with the tragic loss of President…

May 21, 2024

‘A resounding slap in the face’

The United Nations General Assembly voted May 10 in favor of making Palestine a full member with voting rights in…

May 15, 2024

Outside agitation?

Let’s make it clear from the top that it is perfectly legal, normal and excellent to offer solidarity, encouragement, material…

May 6, 2024

Drop ALL charges against pro-Palestinian students!! Cops OFF the campuses!!

Should anyone have illusions that the United States is a bastion of democracy, those illusions should be put to rest,…

May 1, 2024

Behind repression of campus occupations – Follow the money

In December 2023, Daniel Diermeier, chancellor of Vanderbilt University in Tennessee, wrote: “Universities are, by design, where we come to…

April 29, 2024

¡Manos fuera del heroico levantamiento estudiantil en solidaridad con Gaza!

¡Resistirse a la represión policial está justificado! Workers World apoya plenamente el heroico levantamiento estudiantil estadounidense que ha proliferado en…

April 29, 2024