
Fight Trump, not migrants!

Donald Trump’s acceptance speech for the Republican presidential nomination was mostly his usual reactionary rant aimed at winning cheers and…

July 24, 2024

Media hypocrisy in Gaza and Ukraine

Truth is the first casualty of imperialist war. The imperialist ruling class owns the corporate media. The government and the…

July 16, 2024

El apoyo al sionismo se derrumba en todos los frentes

La admisión del ministro de Defensa israelí, Yoav Gallant, el 1 de julio -que el ejército de su país necesitaba…

July 16, 2024

Support for Zionism collapsing on all fronts

Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant’s July 1 admission — that his country’s army needed 10,000 more soldiers immediately — might…

July 10, 2024

Imperialism, AIPAC and Bowman’s loss

On June 25, an amalgam of right-wing forces, most notably the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, secured the defeat of…

July 3, 2024

Victory at Columbia Univ. – Now, drop all charges!

Over six months after Hamas initiated the Al-Aqsa Flood in Gaza on October 7, students at Columbia University in New…

June 25, 2024

Biden distorsiona el Día D

El 80 aniversario del desembarco del Día D en Normandía, Francia, reelaboró un escenario que los funcionarios imperialistas han utilizado…

June 20, 2024

Migrant crisis? Build working-class solidarity!

Regarding his immigration program, President Joe Biden — candidate Joe Biden — is attacking the interests of all working people.…

June 17, 2024

Se confirma la masacre de Rafah: Israel rechaza la orden de la CIJ de detener el genocidio

El mortífero ataque aéreo israelí del 26 de mayo contra palestinos que vivían en tiendas de campaña en Rafah causó…

June 3, 2024

Rafah massacre confirms: Israel refuses ICJ order to halt genocide

Israel’s murderous May 26 airstrike targeting Palestinians living in tents in Rafah killed nearly 50 people, with many being burnt…

May 29, 2024