
Long live the working class of France: Vive la classe ouvrière de la France!

The working class of France is in the streets, with millions of people striking and demonstrating.  The proverbial straw —…

March 27, 2023

El ciclón Freddy pone de relieve las desigualdades
¡Reparaciones para África!

Estados Unidos tiene el 5% de la población mundial, pero es responsable del 28% de las emisiones anuales de carbono…

March 27, 2023

Cyclone Freddy underscores inequalities
Reparations for Africa!

The United States has 5% of the world’s population but is responsible for 28% of annual carbon emissions in the…

March 20, 2023

What the Justice Department won’t say: ABOLISH THE POLICE!

After a two-year investigation of Louisville, Kentucky, police — prompted by the murder of Breonna Taylor on March 13, 2020…

March 14, 2023

SVB: ‘The bank is now insolvent’

It is often the case that, when the capitalist system is on the verge of a crisis, the period leading…

March 13, 2023

Editorial WW/MO
Otro ataque a las mujeres negras en el deporte

Si escuchas a los comentaristas deportivos que cubren el baloncesto masculino profesional y universitario, oirás a menudo palabras como “atletismo”…

March 8, 2023

Yet another attack on Black women in sports

If you listen to sportscasters covering men’s professional and college basketball, you often hear words like “athleticism” and “physicality” used…

February 27, 2023

Lo que condujo a una larga guerra

Los políticos imperialistas y los medios de comunicación están inundando al público con las mismas mentiras que han estado exagerando…

February 27, 2023

What led to a long war

Imperialist politicians and media are flooding the public with the same lies that they’ve been hyping all year about the…

February 20, 2023