
No U.S./French-backed invasion of Niger!

“When Africa becomes economically free and politically united, the monopolists will come face to face with their own working class…

August 6, 2023

Creeping McCarthyism

Eighteen primarily Republican-led states have passed laws or enacted policies restricting what educators can say about race, history, and racism…

August 2, 2023

Stop Congressional support for Israeli apartheid!

In 1972, Rep. Ronald V. Dellums (D-California) introduced a bill on behalf of the Congressional Black Caucus (founded in 1971),…

July 26, 2023

Organized crime in Vilnius

To evaluate the NATO summit in Vilnius, Lithuania, this July it helps to observe it in the framework of what…

July 20, 2023

Hornet’s nest of misogynist enablers

This time even the Supreme Court of the United States “liberals” got it wrong. On June 27, in a 7-to-2…

July 19, 2023

Tras el asalto del alto tribunal a los derechos civiles

“Igualdad ante la ley”. Estas palabras están inscritas sobre la entrada principal del edificio del Tribunal Supremo. Son un engaño…

July 13, 2023

Are nuclear weapons next after cluster bombs?

So desperate is President Joe Biden to expand the U.S./NATO war against Russia being carried out in Ukraine, that on…

July 11, 2023

Solidarity with Dimitri Lescaris and the Hamilton Coalition to Stop the War

STATEMENT OF SOLIDARITY June 26, 2023 Workers World Party expresses its full solidarity with Dimitri Lescaris and the Hamilton Coalition…

July 6, 2023

Behind high court’s assault on civil rights

“Equal justice under law.”  These words are inscribed above the main entrance to the Supreme Court Building. They are a…

July 5, 2023

Tras el barco de la muerte

¿Qué está pasando?, se pregunta el migrante afgano, ¿qué hace la patrullera griega? En medio de su pregunta, algunos de…

July 3, 2023