Since his Dec. 3 attempt to impose martial law, mass demonstrations of hundreds of thousands of people involving the most…
Normally when someone is shot dead, human beings feel sad for the victim. But in the case of Brian Thompson,…
On Nov. 28, some 20 protesters brought part of the annual Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade in New York City to…
The House of Representatives passed House Resolution 9495, characterized as the “non-profit killer,” on Nov. 21. The vote was 219-184…
El presidente electo Donald Trump ha nombrado rápidamente a la mayor parte de su gabinete y del personal de la…
President-elect Donald Trump has quickly nominated most of his cabinet and White House staff. Instead of the allegedly qualified managers…
El editorial de Mundo Obrero del día después de las elecciones llamaba a todos los que luchan contra la guerra…
Unite workers and oppressed, fight MAGA and war Workers World’s editorial the day after the election called on all those…
Las elecciones del 5 de noviembre han sucedido y el resultado es conocido en todo el mundo. El más vil,…
The November 5 election has happened, and the outcome is known worldwide. The most vile, disgusting, white supremacist, xenophobic, transphobic,…