G. Dunkel

2.5 million French workers defend pensions, defy gov’t attacks

Responding to a joint call from France’s union confederations, 2.5 million angry French workers protested Jan. 31 in 250 cities…

February 5, 2023

Mass strike in France to defend pensions – Time to fight for Social Security here

Over 2 million workers in France participated in a general strike/mass mobilization on Jan. 19, denouncing plans by President Emmanuel…

January 27, 2023

France: Millions strike to defend pensions

With a tremendous jolt to the government’s attempt to raise the legal retirement age from 62 to 64 years, over…

January 24, 2023

Passengers walloped as U.S. airline software crumbles

Millions of passengers had their travel plans disrupted Jan. 11 when the Federal Aviation Administration had to impose a “ground…

January 20, 2023

Southwest Airlines: Hundreds of thousands impacted by capitalist greed

Airlines canceled over 18,200 flights in the U.S. and hundreds more in Canada between Dec. 22 and 28, affecting millions…

January 13, 2023

Threat of more U.N. sanctions on Haiti

While the huge social, economic and political problems of Haiti have slipped out of the news, if anything they have…

January 6, 2023

SanctionsKill Coalition holds nationwide meetings

The U.S. and its imperialist allies — Germany, France and England, plus NATO — have grown ever more active these…

December 22, 2022

La especulación tecnológica quiebra: decenas de miles de despedidos

Decenas de miles de trabajadores del sector tecnológico han sido despedidos este año de 2022. Las estimaciones varían, dependiendo de…

December 19, 2022

Long COVID: a public health catastrophe

On Sept. 18, President Joe Biden declared: “The pandemic is over. We still have a problem with COVID. We’re still…

December 15, 2022

Technology speculation goes bust – tens of thousands laid off

[updated November 24] Tens of thousands of workers in the technology sector have been laid off this year. Estimates vary,…

December 2, 2022