G. Dunkel

Crecientes amenazas contra hogares de los obreros

En marzo y abril, más de 22 millones de trabajadores en los Estados Unidos perdieron sus trabajos. Hasta ahora, la…

December 1, 2020

Climate change, hurricanes and their destruction in Central America

Hurricane Iota, the 30th named storm, 13th hurricane and 6th major hurricane of 2020, made landfall in Nicaragua just 10…

November 27, 2020

Growing threats to workers’ homes

In March and April, over 22 million workers in the United States lost their jobs. So far, the stumbling economic…

November 25, 2020

Alaskan and Caribbean storms increase dangers for Indigenous peoples, workers

Nov. 16 — The storms battering the north and northwest coast of Alaska and the hurricanes rampaging through the Caribbean…

November 18, 2020

Cómo COVID-19 revela las desigualdades en la economía de EE.UU

La administración de Trump ha admitido que no tiene ningún plan controlar al virus COVID-19. El jefe de personal de…

November 13, 2020

COVID-19 surges while the economy sputters

Both the economy and COVID are vitally important issues for working people in the United States. Lost in the tension…

November 10, 2020

How COVID-19 reveals inequalities in the U.S. economy

The Trump administration has admitted it has no plan to get COVID-19 under control. White House chief of staff Mark…

November 5, 2020

How COVID-19 reveals inequalities in the U.S. economy

The Trump administration has admitted it has no plan to get COVID-19 under control. White House chief of staff Mark…

November 3, 2020

Gov’t of France uses tragedy to attack Muslim community

On Oct. 16, Samuel Paty, a teacher in France, was brutally killed as he left his school. Paty had just…

October 27, 2020

Trial finds fascists ‘Guilty!’ in Greece

A blow to neo-Nazi organizations — particularly in Europe, but also throughout the world — was dealt in Athens, Greece,…

October 12, 2020