G. Dunkel

U.S. invades and occupies Haiti − in 1915

This slightly edited article was originally published in Workers World/Mundo Obrero, August 3, 2015. The United States began its military…

July 15, 2021

Turmoil no excuse for invasion
U.S. hands off Haiti!

In Haiti, around 1:00 a.m., July 7, brand new SUVs without license plates pulled up to the private residence of…

July 13, 2021

U.S. & China – A tale of two social systems controlling malaria

The World Health Organization declared China free of malaria June 30, after China’s decades of work toward eradicating the disease.…

July 5, 2021

Increase funding for CUNY

The CUNY Rising Alliance, the City University of New York Student Senate and the Professional Staff Congress held a militant,…

July 2, 2021

Laid-off McDonald’s workers in France take over restaurant, feed the hungry

Marseille is the second largest city in France. It is a very old city, founded around 500 BCE because it…

June 29, 2021

Haiti: Guerrilla warfare and COVID-19 break out in Port-au-Prince

Starting in early June, firefights broke out among the armed neighborhood militias in Port-au-Prince, Haiti’s capital, with the cops sometimes…

June 25, 2021

140 protests against racism, cops, far right sweep France

Marches and rallies against racism, the far right and police violence took place in over 140 communities in France June…

June 18, 2021

Greece: Austerity measures threaten the 8-hour day

The 8-hour day is a bedrock gain of the world’s working class; the 8-hour day was won through intense battles…

June 18, 2021

Shambling recovery from the COVID economic crisis

President Biden interrupted a long weekend at the Delaware shore to claim credit for the 559,000 new jobs which the…

June 9, 2021

Massive response of Greek workers to attack on the eight-hour day

For the past month, Greek workers have been protesting the right-wing New Democracy government’s attempt to enshrine a 10-hour work…

June 4, 2021