Donna Lazarus

Teachers win a victory in Mexico

Mexico City -- Some 10,000 teachers converged on Mexico City on Feb. 9, and immediately set up hundreds of tents…

February 16, 2015

Chavistas win big in Venezuelan municipal vote

Crowds of government supporters celebrated in Plaza Bolívar, Caracas, Venezuela on Sunday night, Dec. 8, as the results of municipal…

December 10, 2013

Unity March to free Oscar López Rivera

New York -- The Community Coalition for the Freedom of Oscar López Rivera, a Puerto Rican political prisoner held 32…

November 24, 2013

Venezuela to face food sabotage

Caracas, Nov. 4 — Tribuna Popular TP. - The Political Bureau of the Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV) today denounced…

November 12, 2013

Education cuts spark big protests in Spain

Tens of thousands of students, teachers and parents in Spain marched Oct. 24 to protest cutbacks in education and a…

November 3, 2013