Dolores Cox

Black farmers’ lawsuit: Justice delayed is justice denied

African-American farmers won a landmark lawsuit in 1999 against the U.S. Department of Agriculture for racist discrimination in Pigford v.…

June 21, 2013

Free Lynne Stewart now!

The lifesaving struggle to free Lynne Stewart, “the people’s lawyer,” continues.  Following a full-house rally on May 9 at St.…

May 20, 2013

Ataque al Seguro Social aumentará pobreza de jubilados/as y ancianos/as

La administración de Obama está proponiendo recortes del Seguro Social por un total de más de $127 mil millones durante…

May 15, 2013

Attacks on Social Security mean growing poverty for retirees, elderly

The Obama administration is proposing Social Security cuts totaling more than $127 billion over the next decade. Congress and politicians…

May 2, 2013

Racist violence in the North: The ‘Draft Riots’ of 1863

As the United States commemorates the 150th anniversary of the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation by President Abraham Lincoln in…

April 4, 2013

Central Park 5 civil suit: Justice still denied

Another status conference pertaining to the Central Park 5 civil lawsuit against New York City and the New York Police…

February 28, 2013

An insightful documentary on Mumia Abu-Jamal

An important film documentary about the life of Mumia Abu-Jamal premiered in New York City on Feb. 1. “Long Distance…

February 13, 2013

Emancipation Proclamation and Night Watch

Jan. 1, 2013, is the 150th anniversary of the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation by U.S. President Abraham Lincoln. Effective…

January 2, 2013

‘Scottsboro Boys’: A 1931 case of legal lynching revisited

The documentary film, “The Central Park 5,” is showing in theaters here even as a federal civil rights lawsuit regarding…

December 14, 2012

Israel ‘Guilty,’ says Russell Tribunal on Palestine

New York — The Russell Tribunal is an International People’s Tribunal organized to bring to light Israel’s recognized violations of…

November 25, 2012