David Sole

Washington aims to reorganize Syrian reactionary ‘rebels’

Despite its longtime leading role in the attempt to overthrow the Syrian government, the U.S. government is increasingly frustrated. The…

November 3, 2012

‘Marxist School of Theory and Struggle’ draws many activists

A Marxist School of Theory and Struggle was hosted by Workers World Party in Detroit the weekend of Oct. 20-21.…

October 28, 2012

Detroit waste water workers score victories, end strike

On Oct. 4, American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees Union Local 207 ended their five-day strike, claiming victories.…

October 12, 2012

Sindicato de la ciudad va a huelga en Detroit: Deuda a los bancos sangra el presupuesto

El autor es un trabajador veterano del Departamento del Agua y Alcantarillado (DWSD siglas en inglés), de la ciudad de…

October 11, 2012

City union strikes in Detroit

Debt service to banks saps budget The writer is a longtime Detroit Water & Sewerage Department city worker and past…

October 3, 2012