David Sole

Syrian troops battle for Qusair

June 2 — The battle for Qusair is shaping up to be a major turning point in the Syrian war. The…

June 5, 2013

Imperialists are behind escalated attacks on Syria

The reckless bombing by Israel near Damascus in early May has provoked a sharp response. Syrian state media quoted President…

May 13, 2013

Israeli bombing of Syria threatens wider war

On May 3, and again on May 5, the Israeli air force bombed Syria’s capital of Damascus. According to Syria’s…

May 5, 2013

U.S. prepares public for direct attack on Syria

The United States government took a major step toward direct military intervention against Syria with a White House letter to…

May 1, 2013

Washington promotes war on Syria

The U.S. government is increasing its leading role in the war to topple the government of Syria. At the April…

April 28, 2013

Syrian counteroffensive challenges imperialists’ plans

The Syrian government has launched vigorous counteroffensives against recent gains by the imperialist-backed rebels across that country. Intense fighting has…

April 15, 2013

Judge stops eviction of homeowner with disabilities

Detroit — S. Baxter Jones appeared before U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Walter Shapero on April 4 in a desperate attempt to…

April 4, 2013

Bankers provoked Cyprus crisis

The European economic crisis has crashed down upon the small nation of Cyprus. A second “bailout” was announced on March…

April 1, 2013

Obama targets Palestinian goals & Syria’s sovereignty

President Barack Obama’s four-day visit to Israel, the first since his first election in 2008, began March 20. Worldwide media…

March 28, 2013

Imperialism increases its hand in Syrian war

The hand of Western imperialism in the war against Syria becomes clearer every day. French President François Hollande called for…

March 20, 2013