David Sole

U.N. officials condemn Detroit water shutoffs

The shutoff of water to thousands of Detroit homes has become national and international news. An appeal to the United…

July 4, 2014

Detroit retirees denounce ‘Grand Theft Pension’

June 18 — Retired city of Detroit workers continue to oppose deep cuts to their pensions in the face of…

June 20, 2014

Attack intensifies against Detroit retirees

April 26 — The attack on retired city of Detroit workers’ pensions intensifies. Ever since the filing for bankruptcy by…

May 1, 2014

Pipeline activists to be sentenced

Three environmental activists will be sentenced by a Michigan judge March 5 after their Jan. 31 felony convictions for protesting…

February 27, 2014

Why the New York Times is worried

Most progressive activists in the United States probably know about the reactionary, racist Koch brothers. But one has to wonder…

February 7, 2014

Obama, U.S. media lied about Syrian nerve gas

Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Seymour M. Hersh has written a detailed and devastating exposure of the U.S. government’s manipulation of military…

December 17, 2013

Syria opposition continues to fragment

On July 8, the self-styled “National Coalition for Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces” met once again under U.S. direction in…

July 17, 2013

Syria resisting economic and military attacks

Less dramatic but no less intense than military battles is the economic war being conducted against the Syrian people and…

July 7, 2013

Obama escalates U.S. role in Syria

After a series of meetings in Washington, the Obama administration escalated the war against Syria by announcing that the United…

June 18, 2013

U.S. direct military threat to Syria grows

The crucial victory by the Syrian Arab Army against imperialist-backed terrorist ‘rebels’ in Qusair, a town near the border with…

June 10, 2013