Dave Welsh

SF School bus drivers: ‘Don’t throw us under the bus!’ 

For 50 years, the San Francisco school bus drivers union has led the fight for safe — and unionized —…

August 30, 2020

‘Pivot to Peace with China and the World’ says San Francisco labor

San Francisco The following is based on a webinar presentation given on the July 18 Workers World Party webinar: “Why…

July 22, 2020

California labor condemns police murder of George Floyd

This is big. Seemingly out of nowhere, the “silent majority” of the working class took to the streets in towns…

June 10, 2020

Survival of our public postal service threatened

Fifty years ago, wildcatting postal workers shut down the U.S. mail for a week in the 1970 Great Postal Strike…

May 12, 2020

Pandemic used as proxy to privatize USPS

U.S. Postal Service workers, like health care workers, go to work every day risking exposure to the COVID-19 virus. Over…

April 29, 2020

1,000 protest anti-Chinese racism in San Francisco

Over a thousand people marched from San Francisco Chinatown to Union Square on Feb. 29 to protest the wave of…

March 4, 2020

SF union says: Don’t mess with ‘little yellow school bus’

School bus drivers turned out in force Oct. 29 at the San Francisco School District headquarters to oppose changes they…

November 8, 2019

Black community fights diabolical scheme to push them out of Oakland, Calif.

Led by the dockworkers union, International Longshore and Warehouse Union Local 10, Oakland’s Black community is organizing to stop a…

September 20, 2019

‘25 shots from the racist cops’: The police execution of Willie McCoy

It was late evening Feb. 9 when local African-American rapper Willie McCoy, 20, drove into a Taco Bell drive-through in…

March 5, 2019

Bay Area Hondurans denounce ‘electoral coup’

San Francisco — In solidarity with their compatriots in Honduras, who have poured into the streets of that Central American…

January 4, 2018