Cheryl LaBash

Tennessee students fight low pay

The United Students Against Sweatshops 2015 conference at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville did more than talk. Hundreds of marchers…

March 15, 2015

As U.S.-Cuba talks proceed: End the blockade!

Cuban and U.S. negotiators have announced progress after the second round of talks to formalize diplomatic relations between Cuba and…

March 8, 2015

Bosses ‘fire’ 300 Local 10 members in Oakland after tentative agreement at West Coast ports

News broke on Feb. 20 that an agreement between the Pacific Maritime Association — the organization of the West Coast…

February 23, 2015

Mini lockouts: Has Walmart come to the waterfront?

On Feb. 14, President Barack Obama dispatched Secretary of Labor Tom Perez to meet with the International Longshore and Warehouse…

February 16, 2015

La verdad sobre los sindicatos en Cuba

El presidente Barack Obama en su anuncio del 17 de diciembre sobre los "cambios de política" hacia Cuba, declaró: "Creemos…

January 27, 2015

The truth about unions in Cuba

In his Dec. 17 announcement of U.S. “policy changes” toward Cuba, President Barack Obama stated, “We believe that Cuban workers…

January 22, 2015

Cuba’s priority in funding education

The Cuban revolution values education. According to World Bank statistics, no country uses more of its gross domestic product for…

January 7, 2015

Victoria: 5 cubanos unidos y libres en Cuba

17 de diciembre de 2014 El gobierno de EUA ha hecho lo que repetidamente juró que nunca haría: ha liberado…

December 21, 2014

Victory! Cuban 5 are reunited and free at last

Dec. 17 — The government of the United States has done what it repeatedly swore it would never do: It…

December 18, 2014

Ramón Labañino Salazar: a prison visit with a Cuban hero

Ashland, Ky. -- We sat in the last three seats of the last neat row of red plastic chairs.  It…

December 16, 2014