Cheryl LaBash

Toronto tribunal & assembly demands: “Free the Cuban 5!”

Toronto, Canada — Toronto City Hall was the site of the Breaking the Silence Peoples’ Tribunal and Assembly Sept. 21-23.…

September 30, 2012

Tijuana meeting on fight for education, public jobs

Tijuana, Mexico — The intense five days of the 9th U.S./Cuba/Mexico/Latin America Labor Conference and Seminar in Tijuana, Mexico, from…

September 2, 2012

Free Cuban 5!

The case of the Cuban 5 and the struggle to free them from their unjust imprisonment in the U.S. received…

August 24, 2012

Spouse of Cuban 5 hero to speak at labor conference

Teachers, students with jobless futures and indentured to enormous loan debt, and public workers from the U.S. will travel to…

July 27, 2012

‘Ocupar Solidaridad’ viaja por Estados Unidos rumbo a Cuba

Tras una lucha en la frontera entre la provincia canadiense de Columbia Británica y el Estado de Washington, la Caravana…

July 19, 2012

‘Occupy Solidarity’ heads through U.S. to Cuba

Following a struggle at the border crossing between British Colombia, Canada, and Washington state, the 23rd Pastors for Peace Friendshipment…

July 18, 2012

Cuban asks court to be allowed to go home

Attorneys for René González on June 22 renewed legal action to allow him to return to his home and family…

July 16, 2012