Carl Lewis

Federal workers’ union busted by Congress

As a prototype for destroying collective bargaining protections for federal workers, the Trump administration, with the connivance of Congress, has…

July 1, 2017

Gov’t squeezes workers, bloats Pentagon

A recent hiring freeze for federal employees is one of a barrage of anti-worker laws and executive orders recently put…

March 22, 2017

Can Romanians turn protests against corruption into a struggle against imperialism?

Beginning on Feb. 1, almost half-a-million protesters gathered in Bucharest, the capital of Romania, to protest a decriminalization decree that…

February 18, 2017

Rebellious youth force UC Berkeley to cancel speech by white supremacist

Thousands of student, community and other activists shook up the University of California at Berkeley campus when they militantly protested…

February 6, 2017

Trump’s attack plan against federal workers

In November, the Trump “transition team” promised to slash federal employment with a mandatory across-the-board hiring freeze. This would reduce…

January 18, 2017

Trump targets federal workers

There is evidence that the incoming Trump administration plans to target federal workers, including privatizing the Department of Veteran Affairs,…

November 23, 2016

U.S. labor and the fight for sovereignty by Indigenous peoples

The struggle of the Sioux Nation at Standing Rock, N.D., and its allies to prevent the building of the Dakota…

October 18, 2016

Battle for Port Covington: Gentrifiers vs. workers, oppressed

Once again, as happened with the Inner Harbor in Baltimore, real estate moguls and developers are pressing for millions of…

October 6, 2016

Baltimore meet-and-greet Candidates’ Night lifts progressive independents and socialists

Progressive and socialist candidates for Baltimore public office united at a Sept. 15 “meet and greet” session sponsored by the…

September 22, 2016

Rev. C.D. Witherspoon opens campaign for Baltimore NAACP president

The Rev. C.D. Witherspoon, a leader of the Baltimore People’s Power Assembly, and the president of the Baltimore Southern Christian…

September 11, 2016