calvin deutschbein

Students and workers say:  ‘Cops off our campus!’

Abolitionists are renewing their calls to abolish or at least defund campus police departments. This was first raised in Minneapolis,…

June 26, 2020

U.S to Palestine, stop racist police terror!

Durham, N.C.   As the uprising rocks the U.S., increasingly the veil over policing — a form of neocolonialism — is…

June 24, 2020

STEM workers join call to ‘Strike for Black Lives’

On June 10, thousands of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) educators and workers around the U.S. and worldwide organized…

June 21, 2020

Protesters blockade Central Prison in North Carolina

June 13 marked the beginning of the third week of protests in Raleigh, N.C., the state capital and home of…

June 19, 2020

Police target journalists

At 5 a.m. in Minneapolis on May 29, Omar Jimenez, a Black CNN reporter wearing press credentials and reporting live…

June 11, 2020

Car caravan in North Carolina demands aid for people, not companies

Durham, N.C. Following decades of genocidal governmental policies exposed by the coronavirus crisis, North Carolinians had enough!  A coalition of…

May 1, 2020

Durham rally hits Islamophobia in India, U.S.

Durham, N.C. – Over a hundred protesters rallied here in solidarity with working-class and oppressed people under attack by right-wing…

March 4, 2020

Solidarity with Kashmir!

Parts of this statement were presented at a March 1 rally in Durham, N.C. Workers World Party is here today…

March 2, 2020

N.C. city workers speak out: ‘End austerity, end racism’

City workers in the Durham chapter of United Electrical Workers Local 150, N.C. Public Service Workers Union, came together Feb.…

February 28, 2019