Betsey Piette

Tar sands oil spills on Arkansas town

Residents of Mayflower, Ark., found out the hard way on March 29 that their subdivision was built atop Exxon Mobil…

April 11, 2013

Book launch for ‘Maroon the Implacable’

For over 30 years, former Black Panther member and Philadelphia community activist, Russell Maroon Shoatz, has been held under torturous…

April 11, 2013

‘Monsanto Protection Act’: Chemical monopoly writes its own law

On March 24, the pro-Monsanto “Farmer Assurance Provision, Section 735” rider was quietly slipped into the Agricultural Appropriations provisions of…

April 7, 2013

On his birthday, April 24: All out to Free Mumia!

With a rally and a community organizing meeting planned for the anniversary of his 59th birthday, supporters of political prisoner Mumia…

April 1, 2013

Protests across U.S.: Save six-day mail service!

Neither rain, snow nor sleet kept postal workers from protesting to demand “Save six day mail.” From a spirited community…

March 28, 2013

Penn students protest privatization

Philadelphia — Just the threat of students protesting was enough to send the Boston Consulting Group running. BCG, a major cheerleader…

March 28, 2013

Fracking records unsealed in Pennsylvania

Philadelphia  — Since 2005, a provision of the federal Energy Policy Act popularly labeled the “Halliburton Loophole,” allowed the giant corporations…

March 26, 2013

Philadelphia’s ‘1% mayor’ shouted down during budget speech

Philadelphia — Hundreds of American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees District Council 33 and District Council 47 workers, electricians, school crossing guards,…

March 19, 2013

‘Picking up Harriet’s Rifle’

Under the theme “Picking up Harriet’s Rifle!” an amazing and inspiring intergenerational panel of Black female revolutionaries gathered in Philadelphia…

March 16, 2013

Community and labor meet to fight Philadelphia privatization

Philadelphia — Against a background of mounting attacks on public employee unions here, community and labor activists came together March…

March 14, 2013