Betsey Piette

Indict the whole rotten system

No one was really surprised that Prosecuting Attorney Robert McCulloch failed to get a St. Louis County grand jury to…

December 3, 2014

Racism and the underfunding of Philadelphia schools

Betsey Piette, of the Philadelphia branch of Workers World Party, gave this talk at the WWP national conference, held on…

November 24, 2014

Suit challenges law muzzling Mumia

Attorneys representing political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal filed a lawsuit in federal court in Harrisburg, Pa., on Nov. 10 seeking to…

November 20, 2014

Lawsuit challenges Mumia-muzzling act

Attorneys representing political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal filed a lawsuit in federal court in Harrisburg, Pa., on Nov. 10 seeking to…

November 15, 2014

Pennsylvania charged with ‘apartheid’ in higher education

A coalition of Cheyney University supporters filed a major federal civil rights lawsuit against the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the…

November 4, 2014

Orden de mordaza contra Mumia Abu-Jamal silencia todos los prisioneros

Filadelfia —Ahora cuando más y más condenas están siendo revocadas  y las/os prisioneros puestos en libertad debido a las acciones…

October 28, 2014

Demonstrators drown out Pa. Gov. Corbett who signed ‘Silence Mumia Law’

Philadelphia, Oct. 21 — Lots of media were on hand today in Philadelphia to record the moment when Pennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett put…

October 22, 2014

State’s gag order vs Mumia Abu-Jamal silences all prisoners

Philadelphia -- At a time when more and more convictions are being reversed and prisoners released because of improper, racist…

October 21, 2014

Pennsylvania legislature tries to stop Mumia Abu-Jamal from speaking

  More often than not college commencement speakers are corporate CEOs, bankers or politicians — the people who will exercise…

October 11, 2014

Peoples Climate March protesters say: ‘We know who is responsible’

Activists in over 2,808 cities in 166 countries participated on Sept. 21 in the first international Peoples Climate March. The events took…

September 23, 2014