Betsey Piette

‘DNC protests to go on with or without permits’

Representatives of over a dozen groups planning protests in Philadelphia during the Democratic National Convention joined forces at a press…

July 4, 2016

Philly officials act to limit DNC protests

June 13 - Politicians and police in Philadelphia — the so-called “Cradle of Democracy” — appear to be working overtime…

June 15, 2016

Black & Latina workers resist nonprofit racism

The Black and Brown Workers Collective and supporters took to the streets on June 1 to call out racist, classist,…

June 9, 2016

Workers in France battle anti-labor ‘reforms’ on May Day

Paris == Upwards of 100,000 workers and students took to the streets of Paris and other cities across France on International…

May 15, 2016

Saint-Denis celebrates 10th anniversary of Rue Mumia Abu-Jamal

Saint-Denis, France -- Back on April 30, 2006, the Paris suburb of Saint-Denis took a courageous and principled stand in naming…

May 7, 2016

‘Don’t vote for Hillary — she’s killing Black people’

Philadelphia -- Members of the Racial, Economic and Legal Justice Coalition and Black Lives Matter disrupted a Hillary Clinton campaign event…

May 1, 2016

Protests demand hep C cure for Mumia and Pa. prisoners

Family, friends and supporters of political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal took to the streets of Philadelphia in actions on April 22…

April 27, 2016

EPA ignores fire threatening nuclear waste landfill

In 1973, thousands of tons of toxic radioactive waste from processed uranium for nuclear weapons were illegally dumped into the…

March 10, 2016

Behind the death of energy mogul Aubrey McClendon

Aubrey McClendon did not invent fracking — the process that unleashed widespread drilling for natural gas — but he convinced…

March 10, 2016

Treat hep C in Philly jails!

Supporters of political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal took their campaign demanding life-saving drugs for him and 10,000 other Pennsylvania prisoners suffering…

January 29, 2016