Berta Joubert-Ceci

News from Latin America

Brazil Popular protests confront Brazil’s government for the second time this year. On Oct. 17, members of La Via Campesina…

October 24, 2013

Noticias de América Latina

Brasil El gobierno de Dilma Rouseff vuelve a ser enfrentado en menos de un año por movilizaciones populares. El 17…

October 22, 2013

Colombia: The meaning of the peace process

Historical events were plentiful in Colombia this past year: agricultural strikes, peace negotiations, people’s assemblies, large student demonstrations — in…

October 19, 2013

El significado del Proceso de Paz colombiano

Este último año, Colombia ha ­estado repleta de eventos históricos. Paros agrarios, negociaciones de paz, consultas populares, grandes manifestaciones estudiantiles,…

October 16, 2013


Ecuador Ecuadorean President Rafael Correa launched “The Dirty Hands of Chevron” campaign on Sept. 17 to expose at an international…

September 25, 2013

Surprise upsurge shakes Brazil

June 24 — When the Free Fare Movement (MPL) in Sao Paolo, Brazil, initiated a call on social media for…

June 25, 2013

Qué pasa en Brasil?

24 de junio — Cuando el Movimiento Pase Libre (MPL) de Sao Paolo en Brasil inició la convocatoria por los…

June 25, 2013

Revolución Bolivariana asediada por intentar construcción del socialismo

El pasado 22 de mayo, y con gritos de “así, así, así es que se gobierna” y “no volverán” [refiriéndose…

June 12, 2013

Bolivarian revolution under siege for attempting to construct socialism

On  May 22, with cries of "That, that, that's the way to govern" and "They shall not return" (referring to…

June 11, 2013

René González speaks at news conference for the Cuban 5

Washington, D.C. — René González, the first of the Cuban Five to be released from U.S. jails, was the first speaker…

June 1, 2013