Ava Lipatti

State escalates persecution of #J20 protesters

On Jan. 20, District of Columbia police cracked down on protests against Donald Trump’s inauguration by mass arresting 217 people,…

May 14, 2017

As U.S. rockets hit Syria, corporate media start loving warmaker Trump

Within a day of the U.S. missile strike on Syria, five major U.S. newspapers -- the New York Times, the…

April 10, 2017

U.S. military to increase aggression in Yemen

For over two years, Saudi Arabia and its Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) allies, in coordination with the United States, have…

April 5, 2017

Rasmea Odeh forced to accept plea agreement

Palestinian-American activist Rasmea Odeh has been fighting the courts for three and a half years. Her battle against U.S. state…

April 1, 2017

Rasmea Odeh’s defense gears up for trial

Update: As of March 23rd, Rasmea Odeh has decided to accept an agreement to plea guilty to Unlawful Procurement of…

March 25, 2017

U.S. escalates aggression in Syria

The Syrian “civil war” has entered its seventh year. While the Syrian Arab Army and its allies have successfully retaken…

March 19, 2017

Trump isn’t crazy–he’s a capitalist

The writer self-identifies as a person with mental illnesses. A common insult hurled at President Donald Trump by the liberal…

March 6, 2017

Hard times befall fascist bigot

Right-wing demagogue Milo Yiannopoulos was set to speak at the Conservative Political Action Conference, organized by the American Conservative Union…

March 3, 2017

Transgender immigrants under attack

The U.S. ruling class’s relentless onslaught against the global working class aggressively targets the most oppressed segments of our class.…

March 1, 2017

The ‘Alt-Right’: A new mask for white supremacy

Feb. 13 -- “Alt-right” has become a buzzword in the mainstream media to describe the extreme right-wing politics pushed by…

February 13, 2017