Arjae Red

We should not be celebrating the 4th of July

Below is an edited speech Arjae Red gave at the “We reject your 4th” pro-choice demonstration in Buffalo, New York…

July 3, 2024

People’s Pride Coalition demands: Cut ties to pro-Israel weapons maker!

Thousands of people turned out on June 2 for the annual Pride festival and parade in Buffalo. While the parade…

June 19, 2024

At Wayne State encampment, spirits are high

Detroit May 24 – Students at Wayne State University in Detroit are now on the third day of their encampment,…

May 29, 2024

Decolonization and the Fight Against Imperialism Conference 2024

Hundreds of people have registered to attend a national conference centered around “Decolonization and the Fight Against Imperialism,” hosted by…

April 3, 2024

Pressured by union drive and BDS campaign, Starbucks agrees to negotiations

Starbucks Workers United, which represents workers in 380 Starbucks stores, announced a major victory on Feb. 27. The gains include…

March 5, 2024

Leninism: ‘A doctrine of action’

From a talk given by Arjae Red, an initial organizer with Starbucks Workers United and an anti-imperialist fighter, at the…

January 25, 2024

Dismantling Western hypocrisy on Xinjiang and Gaza

Arjae Red, a union activist and Workers World Party leader, traveled in May 2023 to The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region…

January 16, 2024

The fight for Palestinian liberation is a fight for the whole working class

On Oct. 7, the Palestinian people and their combat organizations launched a powerful attack against Israeli occupation forces and their…

October 20, 2023

U.S. military trains in Hawai’i to target China

Near the town of Wahiawā on the occupied Hawaiian island of O'ahu, the U.S. army is gearing up for war…

July 5, 2023

Thousands strike over Starbucks anti-LGBTQ+ policies

Starbucks workers at over 150 stores in the U.S. are striking with pride in response to the company’s decision to…

June 27, 2023