Alessio Arena

Outlook of an Italian Communist: Why a ‘Second Cold War’ scenario projects a false framework

Fronte Popolare, Italy Arena’s article was published March 14 as part of his organization’s discussion on the current world situation,…

May 27, 2022

Los trabajadores del aeropuerto italiano se niegan a cargar armas para Ucrania

Fronte Popolare, Italia Los trabajadores del aeropuerto Galileo Galilei de Pisa -un aeropuerto civil- denunciaron el 12 de marzo que…

March 28, 2022

Italian airport workers refuse to load arms for Ukraine

Fronte Popolare, Italy Workers at the Galileo Galilei Airport in Pisa — a civilian airport — reported March 12 that…

March 22, 2022

Will Germany direct European imperialism?

Editor’s notes:  The following are excerpts, chosen from a more extensive essay on developments in Europe, which focuses on the…

September 4, 2019