Abayomi Azikiwe

African Liberation Day at 53: U.S. intervention continues

May 25 marks the 53rd anniversary of the formation of the Organization of African Unity, known as the African Union…

May 20, 2016

Activists support Rev. Pinkney at hearing

The Michigan State Appeals Court hearing for the Rev. Edward Pinkney, an African-American political prisoner, was held in Grand Rapids,…

May 18, 2016

Elecciones y la política de EUA hacia África

Ninguna discusión sustancial relacionada con la política exterior de Washington hacia África ha tenido lugar durante estas elecciones capitalistas. Aunque…

May 18, 2016

Behind internal struggle in South Africa

Two opposition parties in South Africa — the Democratic Alliance and the Economic Freedom Fighters — are seeking ways to…

May 15, 2016

Maestros de Detroit exigen y logran sueldo mientras luchaban

En la tarde de hoy 3 de mayo, se anunció por los medios de comunicación que las/os maestros de Detroit…

May 11, 2016

U.S. Africa policy and the elections

No substantial discussion has taken place during the current capitalist elections relating to Washington's foreign policy toward Africa. Although people…

May 5, 2016

Teachers demand and win pay as sick-outs close Detroit public schools

Detroit, May 3 -- Late this afternoon it was announced by media outlets that the Detroit teachers scored a victory…

May 3, 2016

More water cutoffs in Detroit

While the business media call it “revitalization,” the actual program of dislocation and underdevelopment aimed at long-time residents of Detroit…

April 28, 2016

U.N. debates ‘sustainable development goals’ as world crisis grows

Heads of state attended a United Nations conference in New York City in late April to address Sustainable Development Goals…

April 28, 2016

EU-Turkey deal puts migrants at risk

Thousands of migrants in Greece from the Middle East, Africa and Asia are being sent to Turkey in an effort…

April 24, 2016