South Africa’s miners have been forced to threaten strikes following an announcement that thousands of workers would be laid off.…
Many were shocked at the week of rebellion that began May 19 in the suburb of Husby just outside Stockholm,…
On May 25, 1963, 33 independent African states met in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, to form the Organization of African Unity.…
In Detroit, the Michigan Emergency Committee Against War & Injustice held a conference on May 18 entitled “Africa & U.S.…
La administración Obama propone recortes masivos en programas federales esenciales. El cambio del cálculo ("chained") del Índice de Precios al…
A major struggle is unfolding in the Republic of South Africa with the recent announcement that the Anglo American Platinum…
Massive cuts in essential federal programs are being proposed by the Obama administration. The chained Consumer Price Index would affect…
Leading community organizers in the Detroit area addressed a standing- room-only audience at Central United Methodist Church on May 4…
French Defense Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian visited the West African state of Mali on April 26, where his troops have…
Detroit corporations and banks are driving more working-class, poor and nationally oppressed people out of the city’s downtown area. Government…