Workers World staff

Charlottesville, Va., acts to ‘Smash White Supremacy’

Thousands arrived in Charlottesville, Va., on July 8 to protest the Klan and their cop protectors. The city, under the…

July 17, 2017

Fightback unity cheered at Pride

On June 4 in Buffalo, N.Y., youth from Workers World Party, Queers for Racial Justice and other groups marched at…

June 27, 2017

Labor defends Puerto Rican Day Parade

The following statement was issued by the Workers World Party Labor Fraction. Contact Despite a major political attack on…

June 5, 2017

Virginia community defense: Rooting out white supremacy

Fighters against white supremacy took to the streets June 3 in Charlottesville, Va., for a "Community Defense Against Fascism" protest.…

June 5, 2017

Trump confronted at school commencement

Protesters from Virginia and beyond confronted President Donald Trump and all he represents on May 13 at Liberty University in…

May 18, 2017

Solidarity with Palestinian prisoner hunger strike

Over 100 demonstrators picketed Chicago’s Israeli Consulate on May 4 to express their solidarity with the over 1,500 Palestinian prisoners…

May 14, 2017

May Day in the U.S.: Marching in solidarity & militancy

May Day, International Workers’ Day, was commemorated widely across the United States on May 1. Some of these actions by…

May 9, 2017

Milwaukee schools say YES to sanctuary

After weeks of organizing on behalf of undocumented students and workers, a sanctuary district resolution for Milwaukee Public Schools was…

April 30, 2017

Pennsylvania prison censors Workers World call for May Day strike

Workers World Party and its editorial staff received notices on Feb. 22, March 31 and April 5 from the Pennsylvania…

April 28, 2017

Overturn Mumia’s wrongful sentence

On April 24, Mumia Abu-Jamal’s 63rd birthday, supporters gathered outside of a state court in Philadelphia to demand the overturn…

April 27, 2017