Workers World staff

Solidarity with Manning, Snowden

Progressives and anti-imperialists in Berlin, Germany, demonstrated while U.S. President Barack Obama was visiting there June 17, carrying a big…

June 27, 2013

United call for actions against war on Syria

The following is a call issued by dozens of organizations in the United States for national days of action from…

June 27, 2013

Study on poverty shows LGBTQ people need jobs!

By Imani Henry and Johnnie Lewis The societal myth that the vast majority of LGBTQ-identified people in the U.S. are…

June 26, 2013

The 9th annual NYC Trans Day of Action for Social & Economic Justice points of unity

The following excerpted points of unity were initiated by TransJustice of the Audre Lorde Project, a lesbian, gay, bisexual, two-spirit,…

June 26, 2013

Forum on ‘What’s at stake in Syria?’

During a week when the New York Times revealed on June 21 that weapons are being shipped from puppet-ruled Libya…

June 24, 2013

Justice for Ernest Duenez Jr.

By Gloria Verdieu and Terri Kay Manteca, Calif. -- Hundreds of supporters, friends and family from all over the state…

June 24, 2013

Kansas protests austerity

Poor and working people from throughout northeastern Kansas and beyond marched and rallied in Lawrence on June 8 to protest…

June 16, 2013

Trans Day of Action: ‘We will not be silenced!’

The following call was issued by Trans­Justice, a political group for trans and gender nonconforming people of color. TransJustice, a…

June 13, 2013

United statement to oppose U.S./NATO and Israeli war on Syria

The groups supporting a protest in Los Angeles on June 9 released this statement: No more wars — U.S. out of…

June 10, 2013

Declaration on the recent events by the Communist Party of Turkey

The following is a declaration issued June 4 by the Communist Party of Turkey (TKP) on the recent mass uprising…

June 6, 2013