Workers World staff

South Bay labor resolution condemns the killing of Trayvon Martin

The following resolution was unanimously adopted by the South Bay AFL- CIO Labor Council, at the general membership meeting held on…

July 22, 2013

Kansas protests hit right-wing billionaires

A rainbow of working people from across Kansas boldly confronted the extreme right-wing Americans for Prosperity group at its two…

July 18, 2013

DPRK-U.S. relations: Armistice agreement versus peace treaty

The following press release from the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea Permanent Mission to the United Nations reveals the history…

July 18, 2013

Release Angola 3 political prisoner Herman Wallace

Taken from a July 10 statement from the Angola 3 news blog.  Go to to read the original statement.  …

July 16, 2013

‘Hideous and revolting’: Frederick Douglass on U.S. slavery

The following excerpts are from the powerful speech entitled “What to the slave is 4th of July,” made by Frederick…

July 2, 2013

Tiro al Blanco holds successful first ‘Tertulia’ in New York

From a news release by Tiro al Blanco translated by Workers World. New York — Despite forecasts of rain and…

July 2, 2013

Immigrants demand a fair Kansas policy

Kansas City, Kan. — More than 700 people and 36 organizations traveled from across the country to Kansas City on June…

July 2, 2013

Interview with Brazil’s Landless Movement leader João Pedro Stedile

By Nilton Viana Translation: John Catalinotto 1. What is your analysis of the demonstrations that have been shaking Brazil in…

July 1, 2013

Kevin Carey, a dedicated fighter for the oppressed and socialism

By Kris Hamel and Jerry Goldberg Kevin Carey, a revolutionary activist and member of the Detroit branch of Workers World…

July 1, 2013

Stop harassing Muslims

The Council on American Islamic Relations-New York along with New York Police Department reform activists, American Muslims and concerned New…

June 30, 2013