Workers World staff

Tribute from the Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) to Nelson Mandela

Dec. 5 — The Congress of South African Trade Unions joins all South Africans, and millions more all over the…

December 6, 2013

Leonard Peltier’s message to National Day of Mourning

Supporters of Leonard Peltier, the longest-imprisoned Native political prisoner, are campaigning hard for executive clemency for the ailing 69-year-old hero.…

December 5, 2013

Dec. 7 & 9: ‘Free Mumia’ activities

On the 32nd year of Mumia Abu-Jamal’s wrongful incarceration, a press conference is set for noon on Dec. 9 in…

December 4, 2013

More solidarity with Boston union against Veolia

Veolia Transportation fired four leaders of the Boston School Bus Drivers Union, Steelworkers Union Local 8751, in mid-November for an…

December 3, 2013

Messages to Workers World Party Conference

Below is a small sample of the solidarity messages sent to the Workers World Party Conference. These reflect on international…

December 2, 2013

More than 800 protest racist Washington football team name

By Chris Getowicz Minneapolis Over 800 people gathered here, Nov. 7, to demand the Washington Redskins change their racist name.…

December 2, 2013

Honduras military tries to intimidate int’l observers

Nov. 24 — A presidential election is taking place in Honduras today that polls indicate will reverse the 2009 coup.…

November 24, 2013

Troy, N.Y., unionists back Boston school bus drivers

The Troy, N.Y., Area Labor Council delegates on Nov. 20 unanimously passed the following resolution supporting Boston school bus drivers…

November 22, 2013

Young people say: ‘Fight back! Build people’s power’

By Andy Katz and Ben Carroll New York Young people from across the U.S. mobilized to attend the Workers World…

November 20, 2013

Resolution in solidarity with Local 8751

The following resolution was passed unanimously on Nov. 17 at the national conference of Workers World Party. It grew out…

November 20, 2013