Workers World staff

Chicago anti-war meeting on Ukraine beats back fascists

Anti-war and anti-imperialist activists in Chicago held a successful public teach-in on U.S.-NATO aggression against Ukraine and Russia on April…

April 15, 2014

Ruling says university football players are workers, can form union

The following is an abridged version of “The Northwestern University Football Union and the NCAA’s Death Spiral” written by Dave…

March 30, 2014

Defend Bolivarian Venezuela!

Supporters of the Bolivarian Revolution in Venezuela turned out for a rally in Boston on March 22. The event was…

March 26, 2014

Women speak on struggle, resistance & solidarity

Workers World Party sponsored an extraordinary panel of women activists at its annual International Working Women’s Month forum in New…

March 24, 2014

Marchers demand $15 an hour, pay McDonald’s a visit

More than 200 activists, including many low-wage workers, marched on March 15 throughout the Herald Square area of New York…

March 18, 2014

March 15: March for $15 minimum wage

The People’s Assembly Movement in New York City issued the following media release on March 13: This Saturday, March 15,…

March 14, 2014

Solidarity with Venezuela

The one-year anniversary of the death of Venezuela’s revolutionary leader President Hugo Chávez on March 5 was marked by demonstrations…

March 11, 2014

Every issue is a woman’s issue

The following text came from an updated brochure issued by the International Working Women’s Day coalition in New York City.…

March 8, 2014

Make history: Build Workers World

March is Women’s History Month, when Workers World makes a special effort to cover women’s issues, especially struggles that have…

March 8, 2014