Workers World staff


SYRACUSE, N.Y. Chanting “The people united will never be defeated! El pueblo unido jamás será vencido!” a crowd of more…

July 23, 2014

U.S. protests in solidarity with people of Gaza

As people of conscience around the world condemn the genocidal Israeli invasion of Gaza, protesters inside the U.S. are among…

July 22, 2014

Hamas’ conditions for ceasefire

The Alternative Information Center describes itself as “an internationally oriented, progressive, joint Palestinian-Israeli activist organization, located in Beit Sahour and…

July 21, 2014

What happens when the U.S. shoots down a passenger plane?

Remember the Iranian airliner? On July 3, 1988, the USS Vincennes launched a surface-to-air missile at an Iranian civilian airliner.…

July 21, 2014

Court testimony: ‘Detroit’s people will rise again’

U.S. Bankruptcy Court, In re: City of Detroit, Debtor, Objection to “Plan of Adjustment.” Testimony by Kristen A. Hamel, Detroit…

July 16, 2014

Boston school bus drivers’ union puts Veolia on trial for Solidarity Day IV

On July 14, over 150 school bus drivers, elected officials, community supporters and political allies occupied the steps and chambers…

July 15, 2014

Interview with Borotba — ‘They hate us because we are communists’

Workers World is publishing parts of this interview by Andrej Hunko, who is a member of the German Bundestag (Parliament)…

July 11, 2014

Prisons aren’t sexy, say protesters

San Francisco -- A coalition of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer groups held a protest on the theme “Prison…

July 8, 2014

Moral Mondays goes statewide in N.C.

By Ben C. and Andy Katz Raleigh, N.C., June 29 — As the short North Carolina legislative session winds down…

June 30, 2014

Letter to the Editor: Another pro-abortion-rights movie

June 20, 2014 Dear Editor, In her article “Obvious Child” about abortion and films, Sue Davis overlooked a great film…

June 27, 2014