Workers World staff

Free Dr. Aafia Siddiqui!

Shahid Comrade, with cap, secretary general of Pakistan USA Freedom Forum, and Dr. Maha Hilal, executive director of National Coalition…

November 8, 2015

Iran hosts international anti-racist conference

Tehran -- From Oct. 27 to Oct. 29, a group of anti-racist activists from the United States came to the…

November 3, 2015

Justice for Palestine!

Students and community activists rallied at Philadelphia’s City Hall in support of justice for Palestine on Oct. 30. Led by…

November 2, 2015

BLM & Palestine supporters defy racist threats in Rochester, N.Y.

By Lydia Bayoneta and Gene Clancy Rochester, N.Y. An overflow crowd packed the auditorium of the German House here on…

October 11, 2015

Lynne Stewart’s message for Women’s Equality Day

The following statement from the people’s lawyer and former political prisoner, Lynne Stewart, was read by Betty Davis, a longtime…

September 3, 2015

Workers demand safety at 7-Eleven

7-Eleven workers in Buffalo, N.Y., led a march and speakout on Aug. 30 demanding an end to unsafe working conditions.…

September 3, 2015

Unions step forward to battle racism

A large demonstration and strategy conference that is being called the “Days of Grace” is expected to take place in…

September 2, 2015

Justice for Rekia Boyd!

By Danielle Katz and Andy Katz Hundreds packed and ultimately shut down a Chicago Police Board hearing Aug. 20 as…

August 26, 2015

$15 per hour, what’s next?

From coast to coast, momentum continues to build behind the struggle of low-wage workers fighting for $15 per hour and…

July 28, 2015

Celebrate the Cuban Revolution and support Workers World!

On July 26, 1953, revolutionaries stormed the Moncada Barracks in Santiago, Cuba. Less than six years later, Fidel and his…

July 19, 2015